Belaroïa Montpellier

An ecosystem where life is good.

Belaroïa, a jewel opposite Montpellier-Saint-Roch stationa sparkling new building in the heart of Montpellier. Its contemporary architecture demonstrates boundless audacity, reflecting the city's eventful history of innovation and creativity.ativité. Le Belaroïa is a place whereù vital energy flows, où it feels like a family, où generationrosité is the order of the day. The glare of the mediterransètent on its walls, illuminating its values of sharing and conviviality.


Do you want to relax, discover new flavors, have fun, work or take care of yourself? We've got it all covered!

Restaurant Montpellier chez de la gare

restaurant Montpellier

Chez Delagare

Our hotel houses a renowned restaurant where you can sample the culinary delights of Montpellier. Let yourself be seduced by the authentic flavors of regional specialties, carefully prepared by our talented chef. From lunch to dinner, our restaurant offers an exceptional gastronomic experience that will delight even the most discerning palates.

spa Montpellier

A holiday to recharge your batteries

Treat yourself to the ultimate relaxation experience at the SPA du Belaroia, a veritable haven of peace in Montpellier's hypercentre. Immerse yourself in a world of absolute well-being, where all your senses will be pampered. Our team of qualified professionals will give you a warm welcome and guide you through a wide range of personalized treatments, tailored to your specific needs.

Cocktail bar Montpellier

Nectar Cocktail club

Dès 16 heures, le Belaroïa tamise ses lumières et sort sa plus belle playlist pour accueillir Nectar Cocktail Club. More than just a cocktail bar, more than just a made-to-measure cocktail, it's a whole body of artistic work that we aim to convey through our choice of glassware, musical ambience and decoration!


Reserve a table at the Nectar Club

Belaroïa Bela Brunch

Bela Brunch à volonté tous les dimanches matin : une adresse pour les gourmands !

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